About Claire Sully


Growing up in areas in Somerset that have seen deprivation and transformation, has shaped my determination to improve lives through my professional, political and community work.

As a Unitary Councillor I have a track record of bringing people together, campaigning, and working hard for my residents.

Elected to Somerset Council, replacing two Conservative councillors, who had a combined 50 + years experience, I topped the vote.

I stepped up from being a community champion, parish councillor to unitary authority councillor because of a concern I had around mental health in our communities.

I am Deputy Chair of Somerset Lib Dem Group at Somerset Council. This is the largest Lib Dem Group in the country.  I am a member of the Adults and Health Scrutiny Committee and I brought suicide prevention to the work programme.

I have a reputation for taking on complex and difficult casework and not giving up until I have got the right result for my residents. I have delivered on road safety improvements on busy A371. I was told this would never be done.

I have campaigned on behalf of a family in hardship, who because of an uncaring Conservative government have found themselves in a poverty trap.

I brought this case work to national media attention (newspapers, radio and BBC), this case was discussed in the Home Office, and I set up fundraising campaign for this family, which has proved essential to their day-to-day living.  My residents won their fight with the government.

I have written a Gender Pay Gap paper, delivered to the equality panel at Somerset Council.