Suicide Prevention Work in Somerset Update

When I joined Somerset Council’s Adults and Health Scrutiny Committee, in 2022, I asked that suicide prevention was added to the work programme.

Last week we had an update on a new (draft) Somerset suicide prevention strategy that is supporting a new national strategy, which was launched September last year.   The draft strategy draws on three key areas:

  1. Data and Evidence
  2. Evaluation
  3. Engagement

Suicide remains the biggest killer of men aged 49 and under, and the leading cause of death in people aged 20 to 34. Suicide is also the leading cause of direct deaths 6 weeks to a year after the end of pregnancy.

Suicide is a health inequality issue. There are well established links between suicide and social fragmentation and socioeconomic circumstances.

Somerset Council, through its health and wellbeing duties, holds responsibility for ensuring that appropriate and sufficient local arrangements are in place to prevent suicide, this work is coordinated with partners through the multi-agency Suicide Prevention Partnership Forum.

When talking about suicide prevention we are helping to break down the barriers or stigma around suicide.  The experts believe suicide can be prevented with the right interventions.     

Our new local strategy is based on the 8 national strategic priorities (below) detailed within the national strategy.

Improving data and evidence

  • Tailored, targeted support to priority groups
  • Addressing common risk factors at a population level
  • Promoting online safety and responsible media content to reduce harms
  • Providing effective crisis support across sections
  • Reducing access to means and methods of suicide
  • Providing effective bereavement support to those affected by suicide
  • Making suicide everybody’s business

An event called Walk for a Life has been organised to remember those we have lost to suicide, raise awareness, and encourage and empower people in Somerset to take action to prevent suicide.

A Walk for a Life is on Sept 7th, Walk start time: 10.30am, meeting House, Bath Place, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4EP. 

Training we can do includes: Every Life Matters and Orange button Community  Awareness Scheme.

There will be continuing annual updates to the Adults and Health Scrutiny committee evaluating the local suicide prevention strategy. 

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