Claire’s Campaign Week!

Monday, June 3

More orange!

Stakeboards continue to go up across the constituency!

I don’t know about you, but I’m seeing more Lib Dem boards than anyone else!

If you would like your stakeboard to show your support, please get in touch, e-mail Claire.

Tuesday, June 4

Conversations with Claire – North Petherton and Westonzoyland

The successful ‘Conversations with Claire’ events continued with a double-header, as I visited first North Petherton in the morning, before talking to residents in Westonzoyland in the afternoon.

It was a pleasure to meet so many lovely people who came out to speak to me, raising their concerns or voicing their support!

There’s so much potential in these historic villages and I can’t wait to bring it to life!

Wednesday, June 5

Conversations with Claire – Morland Community Hub

On Wednesday, I visited the brilliant Morland Community Hub for another edition of ‘Conversations with Claire’.

Among those who I had a lengthy chat with was a charming chap who said he’d voted Conservative all his life, but is now looking to the Liberal Democrats to offer him hope. Judging by my inbox, he is not alone and I thank you all for your support.

Thursday, June 6

Conversations with Claire – Highbridge

A busy day kicked off at the Purple Spoon cafe, an excellent spot for a ‘Conversations with Claire’ event, and so it proved once more as several residents popped in to see me.

Don’t forget, at these events you can get copies of my magazine, which detail my plans for the constituency!

Repair Cafe

Joining the Coastwatch team – Burnham

On Thursday, I sent time in Burnham-On-Sea with the National Coastwatch Institution, who do some amazing work in helping people stay safe on our precious coastline. Thank you for having me on your training day, and keep up the brilliant work!

D-Day commemoration in Burnham

An emotional day as the nation paid tribute to the memory of D-Day on its 80th anniversary. The ceremony at Burnham was poignant, as the beacon was lit at the end of the pier.

D-Day marked a turning point in World War II, as the Allied forces began the offensive to reclaim France from Nazi control.

It’s important that we remember the contribution of all armed forces personnel and value their service to our country. 

Friday, June 7

Nomination papers submitted

I am officially on the ballot paper for Bridgwater in the general election on July 4!

Abbeyfield – Burnham

I visited Abbeyfield, a charity residential home, who provide sheltered housing in Burnham. The Liberal Democrats have a plan to fix our social care provision and it was lovely to meet the nice residents at Abbeyfield!

Saturday, June 8

Makers Market – Combwich

On Saturday, I paid a visit to the Makers Market in Combwich. It was a delight to see the diverse talents of so many people and the goods they had to offer. From cakes and jams to crafts and artefacts, there’s so much on offer!

Lib Dem action day!

A brilliant Lib Dem action day as so many people turned out to help with the campaign! We got through an enormous amount of work, and I am so grateful to all the volunteers.

Stay tuned for the next Lib Dem action day in Bridgwater!

Monday, June 10

Liberal Democrats release manifesto

The Liberal Democrats release their ambitious manifesto, one which will deliver hope for so many people in Bridgwater, Burnham, Highbridge and our surrounding villages.

The Liberal Democrats have a plan to fix the NHS and social care, invigorate our economy and protect our environment. There really is something for everyone and I am proud to stand behind it!


  1. Karyn Sturmey on June 13, 2024 at 5:30 pm

    I am considering voting for you. How do I get to know what you will do as my MP?

    • Cllr Claire Sully on June 13, 2024 at 6:21 pm

      Hi Karyn

      Thank you for your message.

      My intention, as MP, is to prioritise people and work hard for the communities I represent, making sure the local voice is heard at the heart of Government. I would bring a new voice, direction for this brand new constituency, to improve lives. I would bring decency and integrity into politics; better politics requires better politicians.

      I am doing one-to-one Q&A drop-ins, called “Conversations with Claire” if you want to meet me in person:

      Bridgwater – The Purplespoon cafe, June 17th, June 27th, 11am to 1pm.
      Highbridge – The Purplespoon cafe, June 20th, 11am to 2pm

      More info here:

      You can read about my activities during the campaign here, I very much like to get things done!

      My e-mail is if you want to ask me anything specific.


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