Friends of the Earth consider Labour ‘well behind’ Lib Dems on climate policies

Climate change is the starkest challenge of our, and the next generation’s, lifetimes. The implementation of policies to combat the climate emergency has to be now and it needs to be profound.

For many, policies on climate change and the protection of our natural environment will be at the forefront in their decision to place their vote at the upcoming election.

So, in Bridgwater, where should you place your vote to make a meaningful impact in ensuring strong climate change policies?

As Liberal Democrats, we’re proud of our commitment to green policies, but you no longer need to take just our word for it.

Friends of the Earth have evaluated the strength of green policies put forward by the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Labour and The Green Party, with a clear conclusion: the Liberal Democrats and Green Party are well clear of the pack.

The parties were scored marks out of ten across ten different areas of climate change and environmental policies, giving a total mark out of 100, with the Liberal Democrats ‘scoring highly’ on 68.

“Both the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party score highly,” stated the report. “Labour hasn’t scored brilliantly in this exercise. With 51 out of 100, it’s well ahead of the Conservatives, but well behind the Liberal Democrats and The Green Party.”

The Liberal Democrats scored the maximum 10/10 on policies to ‘Ensure a healthy environment for all’, with Friends of the Earth commenting: “The Lib Dems have a very strong package of policy on the environment, not only tackling many of the key areas, including air quality and sewage discharge, but also bringing forward new legislation to guarantee everyone a healthy environment. Top marks.”

In new Bridgwater constituency, it’s set to be a close race between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, with the Lib Dems polling just 4% behind the Tories in the latest YouGov MRP poll (March 2024).

We should all consider climate change and environmental policies to be an important aspect of the next election, and fortunately for environmentally-conscious voters, in Claire Sully and the Liberal Democrats you can vote for a strong voice on combating climate change.

Claire is backing the Pawlett Hams group in preventing the destruction of our natural environment and endangered eco-system, while on Sunday Claire visited the Somerset Wildlife Trust to learn more about their work in protecting our treasured natural habitats.

A vote for Claire Sully and the Liberal Democrats in Bridgwater is a sure vote for a strong voice on the climate and environment.

To view the full evaluation by Friends of the Earth into each party’s green policy, click here:

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