Happy Easter!

Alex Wiltshire and I were elected as Lib Dem County Councillors for Mendip South on May 5th 2022.
We are part of the Lib Dem lead ruling group at Somerset Council. On April 1st, Somerset Council became a Unitary Council, replacing the county and four district councils.
Somerset Council, with 110 councillors, will be one of the largest unitary councils in England – with 512 services. Some of these service are: Housing, Social Care, Planning, Highways, Education, Public Health, Libraries, Recycling.
There is now a single Point of information for Somerset Council:
Call: 0300 123 2224, Phone lines will be open 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
A single somerset website will be available at www.somerset.gov.uk
There is a Customer Service Points for Somerset Council at the Council Officers in Shepton Mallet.
For a simple guide to changes at Somerset Council for communities and Parish Councils in Mendip South check my website: https://cllrclairesully.co.uk/category/somerset-council-info/
Communities in Mendip will have an East Area Planning Committee. Myself and Alex are on this board. All 110 Councillors at Somerset Council are receiving planning training.
Cllr Claire Sully & Cllr Alex Wiltshire