Mendip South News Round Up
Somerset Council is dealing with “a financial emergency”.
Somerset Council this month voted through “urgent” measures to try to reduce a predicted £100m gap in its budget for the next financial year.
An overspend has come from the soaring cost of Adult Care Services (£70m) and continuing underinvestment from central government in local authorities.
One in 10 county councils in England is facing effective bankruptcy, local government leaders have warned.
The council has agreed to bring in external consultants to look specifically for savings in adult and children’s social services.
Other measures discussed included a recruitment freeze, selling off the council’s commercial investment properties and pausing many building projects.
Further details are expected at the next executive meeting in December.
A371 Road Safety improvements (Pecking Mill) update.
Somerset Highways and the Police have agreed to extend the existing 40mph speed limit and other road safety improvements.
Here is an update on these planned works.
The legal order has been finalised and now the civils work is with the delivery team for ordering via our contractor. They will have until the end of the financial year to complete the work.
Despite the pressures we find ourselves under financially, at Somerset Council, this scheme has been kept in the programme.
Cllr Claire Sully
Somerset Council