Highlighting vital mental health grassroots organisations as part of bid to become Bridgwater and Burnham MP.

Claire Sully hosted a second successful “Shine a light” evening at Fiddington Village Hall on May 23rd.

Shine a light on … is an event to highlight the local area and our wonderful communities hosted by Claire Sully, MP candidate for the new Bridgwater, Burnham and Highbridge (and surrounding areas) constituency.

First speaker Wendy spoke of how work with a community interest company Seed Of Hope gave her renewed enthusiasm for life – as well as a great appreciation for Somerset. Wendy explained how Seed Of Hope are involved in renovating Avalon Priory in Chilton Polden and hope it will become a major attraction and asset for the community.

Claire’s next guest speaker was Jamie from local charity In Charley’s Memory. The Highbridge-based organisation provides mental health support and counselling for children aged 11 and over.  In Charley’s Memory were named in the Somerset Business awards as charity of the year in 2023 and their work addresses an area of growing need that is woefully underfunded by central government.

Thanking her speakers, Claire said both charities stories underlined the strength of community spirit and the importance of these vital grassroots organisations supporting mental health in the Bridgwater and Burnham area, part of the area’s potential that she was keen to shine a light on.

Claire has worked closely with local charity organisers, community groups and local and national businesses and said she believes the constituency is among the most dynamic and exciting parts of the UK right now.

If elected on July 4th, Claire pledged to continue advocating for local people and working with the community to strengthen and improve the area, safeguarding and expanding services and providing jobs, homes and hope for local people.

Music at the event was provided by Somerset tenor Tim Pitman, a Burnham-on-Sea-based performer, who has worked with leading orchestras and at prestige events, and a Keralan meal was provided by Ajit, a local medical consultant who is also a successful restaurateur. 

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