Free personal care for elderly and disabled at heart of Lib Dem manifesto for a brighter future

Claire Sully: Lib Dem manifesto is one to be proud of

A detailed plan to save the NHS, a policy for free personal aged care and ambitious proposals to protect the environment are at the heart of the 2024 Liberal Democrat general election manifesto, which was released on Monday.

Claire Sully, the Liberal Democrat candidate for the new Bridgwater constituency, believes it is a ‘manifesto to be proud of’ as the party put forward its innovative, inspiring and fully-costed plans to take Britain into a brighter future.

“The Liberal Democrat manifesto is full of ambition, offering residents in Bridgwater, Burnham, Highbridge and our surrounding villages real change and real hope at a time of considerable hardship for many,” Claire said.

“From a plan to fix our beloved NHS and placing value on social care, to reinvigorating our high streets and the economy, no one is left behind with our proposals to improve the lives of everyone.

“But at the core of being a Liberal Democrat is our dedicated work to communities. Championing communities and striving for a fair deal for you, our constituents, is what we stand for, and my promise is that I will prioritise people.

“The Conservatives have taken for granted our communities in Bridgwater, Burnham and Highbridge for too long. If you want integrity, decency and good, sound policies to fix our country, then a vote for Claire Sully and the Liberal Democrats is for you.”

A headline £9 billion investment in the NHS and social care is at the forefront of the Liberal Democrat manifesto, with a promise to recruit 8,000 GPs and cut waiting times to see a GP to no more than seven days.

Driven by Liberal Democrat leader, Ed Davey’s, own experience caring for his disabled son, the Liberal Democrats are promising to value the work of carers, recognising their contribution to our society.

The Conservatives promised that no one would have to sell their house to pay for social care. They have failed, plunging many older residents of our communities into financial anxiety.

The Liberal Democrats will introduce free personal care for older and disabled people at home, while valuing the carers in our society with a raise in the minimum wage for care workers by £2/hour.

On the economy, which has been so devastatingly mismanaged by the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats will support small businesses and invest in our workforce to prepare for a modern, productive economy, with renewable energy at its core.

We will seek to improve our relationship with our European neighbours, implementing a plan to rejoin the single market, with Brexit having cost the UK an estimated £32 billion/year to the UK taxpayer.

In a YouGov poll released on Monday, it was found that the three most popular policies released to date are from the Liberal Democrats, who understand what people are going through.

All policies for the Liberal Democrats are fully costed, with reversing the tax cut on banks, a windfall tax on the super-profits of gas and oil companies, and closing the tax loopholes exploited by the wealthy at the centre of plans for funding policies. 

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