New affordable dentist coming to Bridgwater

Residents of Bridgwater and the surrounding area can soon benefit from a new affordable dentist, which will be opening in the town at the end of summer.

The Liberal Democrats have prioritised improvements to dental care at the top of their manifesto agenda, guaranteeing everyone the right to see a dentist for emergency treatment.

The practice will be opening on Wembdon Road, and in the future plans to be welcoming new NHS patients in what is a much-needed new dental practice for the community.

Dental provision in the new Bridgwater constituency and the UK as a whole has been scarce, following 14 years of cuts by the Conservatives in the provision of NHS dental services.

Children have been severely affected by the slashing of funding for dentistry. Tooth decay is the most common reason for hospital admission in children, with more than 4.5 million children not visiting a dentist last year.

In a recent poll for the British Dental Association, dentistry topped the list of NHS services which are hardest to reach, with 80% of respondents saying the government should do more to improve it.

The Liberal Democrats have a wide-ranging plan to improve dental health in Bridgwater and the UK, including a policy to cut VAT on children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste. This policy, according to a YouGov poll, is among the three most popular policies released by parties so far – with all three policies from the Liberal Democrats.

The Liberal Democrats will also guarantee that everyone can access a dentist for emergency treatment, ending DIY dentistry and ‘dentist deserts’.

Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate, Claire Sully, said the news will provide welcome relief for people in Bridgwater, who have struggled to access NHS dental care, but she says much more needs to be done.

“I’m delighted there will be a new dentist surgery in Bridgwater. It will come as a relief to many who have found access to dentist treatment near impossible under this Conservative government,” Claire said.

“The Liberal Democrats have a plan to fix dentistry and save the NHS. From cutting VAT on children’s toothpaste and toothbrushes, to guaranteeing everyone can access emergency dental treatment, the Liberal Democrats will end the need for DIY dentistry and bring back local NHS dentist surgeries lost under the Conservatives.”

In Bridgwater, the Liberal Democrats are best placed to defeat the Conservatives. The Liberal Democrats can beat the Tories into second place at this election, but seats like Bridgwater are crucial to win for the Lib Dems.


  1. Gail Wills on June 14, 2024 at 2:40 pm

    Well done, NHS dental services are much needed in Bridgwater as in the rest of the country.

  2. John Constable on June 17, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    Hi Claire
    Does ‘affordable’ dentist mean NHS? And will ‘affordable’ emergency dentistry be the only service or will check ups etc also be available?
    Many thanks

  3. Polly heenan on June 20, 2024 at 7:55 am

    So do you actually own that building behind you ? Is that a dentist

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