“What has Somerset Council ever done for you, apart from what we do?”

Yesterday, during the Full Council meeting of Somerset Council, I responded to the annual report on Public Health.

Below is what I said, along with some additional notes.

Recently, I heard the remark: “What has Somerset Council ever done for you, apart from what we do?” Public Health is a crucial aspect of the Council’s work and the “what we do” aspect; however, it often goes “under the radar” because it integrates with health partners and health programs. In contrast, we frequently hear from residents about fixing potholes, which, while important, are just one part of the much larger picture of the Council’s services. Healthy, happy, and resilient communities are the foundation of our society, and this is exactly what Public Health aims to achieve.

Since May 2022, and as Acting Chair of Adults and Health Scrutiny Committee, I have emphasised the importance of suicide prevention in Somerset. I have called for regular updates on the ongoing work in this area. Tragically, we heard today during public question time about the profound impact of suicide on families—an issue that affects many of us and our communities.

In July (2024), Somerset Council launched a Suicide Prevention Strategy, a necessary step given that Somerset has higher-than-average suicide rates.

I urge the lead member for Public Health to recognise the importance of this work and to join me in expressing gratitude to our Somerset Council Officers for their ongoing efforts. Together, we must continue to advocate for effective strategies that support the well-being of our communities.

To access the Public Health and other reports, please click here.

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