Beautiful moonlight walk to save Pawlett Hams

Last night I was once again with the Pawlett Hams Action Group and local residents for a lovely moonlight walk.

Being out in nature, in this wonderful area, is very rewarding.

We learnt how to use a nature recording app, ate cake and talked about a local ghost story, which I really hope is true!

Pawlett Hams is under threat from a proposal by EDF to create a saltmarsh in the area, a move which would destroy the local environment and habitats in the area.

The beautiful, ancient, Pawlett Hams needs to be preserved. I will stand up for (and with) local people against EDF’s plans to destroy the Hams with their proposal of mitigation for Hinkley Point C.

Read more about my work with the Pawlett Hams Group here.

Below is a post from another campaigner on the walk, detailing what we saw.

“Well the moon and the weather let us down, but we still had an amazing time on Pawlett Hams tonight. We even had cake!

“These are some of the things we saw and heard:

Chiff chaff


Cettis warbler


Reed warbler

Common redstart

Reed bunting


Frisky calves

Little egret

Grey heron


Water dropwort



And a potential MP!

Poison Hemlock

Common vetch

Wild Carrot


Cocksfoot grass

Dog rose


Ladies bedstraw

Red and white clovers

Bush vetch

Phantom coach and horses

Unidentified species of bat”

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