Taking steps forward for Local Community Networks in Somerset.

Local Community Networks (LCNs) will be the focus for Somerset Council’s community engagement. They will be a conduit for sharing information with communities on the areas, topics, decision making that affect our daily lives.

There are 18 LCNs being established across the County. LCNs will help Somerset Council understand evidence-based community priorities. They will bring partners and community stakeholders together. It is hoped they will identify and secure resource opportunities for local projects and be a place where local action plans might be created.

The next steps for Somerset Council for launching LCNs in Somerset include:

Establishing LCN Link Officers, one Officer will work across two LCNs

Create a web presence for each LCN area

Creating data/information packs for all area

Scheduling first meetings with venue

Defining the role of the chairs

Working with ICT and Democratic Services meetings support – hybrid meetings are being proposed, while we do encourage people to attend in person

LCN will start in formally in June 2023.

LCN’s will take place in local venues, to facilitated by the LCN team. There will be a standard agenda for the first LCN, which will cover:

Building local relationships

Identify a chair

Begin to discuss priorities.

If you want to be involved in LCNs, you can contact me here or work with your local Parish Council.


  1. John Rawlins on May 4, 2023 at 8:10 am

    Good to see, I represent FromeRBL and we had Dawn Denton recently attend our meeting, this is good to hear

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